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comprehensive feedback on your work

If you’ve run your manuscript through as many self-edits as you can stomach, but you’re not sure whether your big-picture elements are where they need to be, a manuscript evaluation can be the perfect place to start.

A manuscript evaluation is great if you need feedback on your book. It's a broad editorial assessment and critique of the core elements of your work. Think of it as Developmental Editing Lite. This service includes a detailed report addressing the areas listed below. Suggestions and options for improvements will also be included, so that you can confidently move forward with revisions.

A manuscript analysis focuses on the following areas:

  • Plot

  • Structure

  • Organization

  • Timeline and chronology

  • Pacing

  • Tone

  • Mood

  • Point of view

  • Character development

  • Dialogue

  • Tension

You want how much!?

Starts at .014 cents per word

    Example: 50,000 words x .014 = starts at $700

Your price will be determined based on your manuscript.

Note that if we team up for a manuscript evaluation, you will receive a discount on a copyedit/line edit.



You will receive the following:

  • An extensive editorial letter that provides a complete assessment of your manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses as well as suggestions for your next steps.

  • Your manuscript, lightly marked in the margins with suggestions and examples using Word’s comments feature.

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